We are quite used to looking at gemstones as beautiful luxury rocks that we wear as a decoration on our body. If you are a person with spiritual tendencies, you must know that in traditional astrology it is common to approach gemstones as birthstones
. In fact, mystics and Shamans believe that each stone has its own unique ability and character just like us humans.
Each zodiac has a gemstone that rules its sign and conducts its energies. However, the traditional astrology also mentioned that a single gemstone cannot control an entire zodiac sign which is why there are several gemstones that conduct energies with a single zodiac sign.
With all that in mind, it’s time to find out which gemstone represents your zodiac sign and the meaning of it:
Aries (March 21-April 19): The main gemstone is Ruby (although some believe it is diamonds) and it represents personal qualities like primal energy, daring, initiative and self assertiveness.
Taurus (April 20- May 20): The main gemstone is Sapphire and it represents personal qualities like pure substance, physical beauty, stewardship and passive force.
Gemini (May 21- June 21): The main gemstone is Topaz and it represents personal qualities like dualistic, facile intelligence, mimicry and instinctual mind.
Cancer (June 22- July 22): The main gemstone is Emerald and it represents personal qualities like motherliness, protective and fertility.
Leo (July 23- Aug 22): The main gemstone is diamond and it represents personal qualities like self assertive, playfulness, sexuality and love, pleasure seeking and chance taking.
Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22): The main gemstone is Jasper and it represents personal qualities like discrimination, conservativeness, attention to detail, hygiene conscious.
Libra (Sep 23- Oct 23): The main gemstone is Aquamarine and it represents personal qualities like cooperativeness, businesslike, persuasiveness.
Scorpio (Oct 24- Nov 21): The main gemstone is Black Opal and it represents personal qualities like Metaphysical, passion, violence and destructiveness.
Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21): The main gemstone is Garnet and it represents personal qualities like philosophical, expansive and extravagant, expended conscious and independence.
Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan 19): The main gemstone is Topaz and it represents personal qualities like organization, constructiveness, serious and materialistic.
Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18): The main gemstone is Turquoise and it represents personal qualities like humanitarian, socialistic, progressive and idealistic.
Pisces (Feb 19- March 20): The main gemstone is Amethyst and it represents personal qualities like self- sacrificial, sensitive, vague and emotionally receptive.
What is your zodiac sign? Did you find yourself nodding in agreement to the personal characteristics mentioned it this post? Did this information change your perspective towards gemstones?