One of those days that often lays forgotten in the mist of drink fuelled headaches, and turkey fueled indigestion is Boxing Day. Officially the second day of Christmas but in recent years its grown to stand alone as its own important festival
Wikipedia has this to say ‘’Boxing Day dates back to the century in which the primary practice of giving gifts to employees or to people in a lower social class. The Oxford English Dictionary attributes it to the Christmas box; the verb box meaning: “To give a Christmas-box (colloq.); hence the term boxing-day.” The date coincides with the Feast of St. Stephen.’’
Traditionally in England a second gift is given to friends and close family members. I’ve heard many stories of people using this day to give their real gift to loved ones. Using Christmas Day for token box of chocolates or woolly socks
A stunning suggestion for a ‘little’ Boxing Day gift is this diamond necklace